Takahiro Suzuki

I'm a master student in electronic engineering from Japan

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I’m studying semiconductor engineering in Tokyo University of Science. My reserch goal is developing a simulator with Julia which can compute a quantum effect in an ultra small semiconductor device. And, I’m also studying machine learning to predict material property (ex, Band Gap), on the other hand, computing band structure with VASP (Ab Initio Simulator) is also my specialty.



As an electronics engineer, I've interned in "BOSCH" in Vietnam. And I also have an experience in "Rakuten" and "AWS" as a software enginner. When it comes to abroad experience, I've studied Chinease in Xian Jiaotong University with Sakura Science project, and I've studied English in EF Singapore



I'm crazy about Netflix, especially "Strainger Things", and I also love "Silicon Valley" in Amazon Prime Video. On the other hand, I also have an aspect of outdoor. I often climb mountain in summer season. In the rest of the season, I would spend a lot studying in my labratory which can be called almost "Hobby"

My Stack

Python for machine learning, Julia for scientific computing. And I have some experience with Web Development with Javascript (Vue, Nuxt, React), and backend with Python and Golang.